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"Throughout our calls and messages Rach has always created a safe space in which I feel like I can be 100% myself. I feel seen, heard, encouraged and supported by her.

Whether big or small, I have been able to bring up and ask Rach about any challenge I have had. Rach has given me really great advice on how to use the appropriate tools to truly connect with my inner child, respond more precisely to what my parts need. 

Rach has also helped me with how to prepare for difficult conversations, supporting me with how to regulate my nervous system. The situations after her guidance have gone well and it’s really boosted my confidence!"

Alice, France

"I have had several 1-1 sessions with Rach and each time, in her friendly and empathetic way, she has been able to help me so much with her knowledge and experience. Rach has helped me deepen my parts work, with the trauma resolution techniques and the inner child exercises. After each session I have then made progress in my healing journey. I can heartily recommend Rach to anyone who needs advice or is stuck on their healing path – we are self-healers but not alone healers."

Doren, Germany

"Since having multiple 1:1s with Rach, my practice has expanded beyond the scope of what I even thought was possible. She helped me to realize that sometimes to get to our next stages of healing, we need to go through these certain dips in progress and moments of dis-ease, which will then catapult us into our final stages of healing. I can feel I’m in these final stages and Rachael has so graciously made it a point to remind me that I am the one who’s done the work to heal myself and the rewards should be noticed and celebrated."

Courtney, USA

"Rach really helped me connect with my body and visualise my inner child. With Rach’s help, I realised what hadn’t been clicking and I was able to change my approach. When I did the practice it was very vivid and powerful. Since then, I’ve built a relationship with my inner child and this has been key in the progress I’ve made in the last couple of months. I’m much more aware of how I’m feeling/much more responsive to my own needs and I’m better able to support myself through difficult moments.

The guidance from Rach opened up somatic experiencing (which I also wasn’t able to connect with beforehand), and I’ve been able to shift chronic pain, migraines, and even heartburn. All of these I had been unable to successfully shift beforehand. I was really amazed at how much Rach and I were able to discuss in just 1 hour - I feel that I got lots of advice on what to try and I went away after that session with a solid plan on what to do next. Rach is really friendly and her advice was honestly so helpful. I’m so glad I decided to reach out for support."

Irene, UK

"Chatting to Rach was like talking to a friend I knew for a long time, I felt very relaxed and comfortable because I was being heard and understood. Rach asked me additional questions about what exactly I struggled with so that she was able to give me the best possible advice. Rach offered me the guidance and reassurance I needed with what to do. 

! left the call very encouraged and feeling like I really was not on this journey alone, which is very comforting for me. 

I can really recommend Rach if you have questions you are not finding answers to in the group chat or in the webinar recordings, or if you just want to feel connected, heard and supported on your healing journey. It really does make all the difference!"

Zuzana, Slovakia

"Speaking with Rach was one of the first times I felt grounded in a very long time. After our first call, I felt my feet on the floor in a very literal way because I’d experienced how to BE in my body. 

She later helped me in various ways which improved the way that I viewed my personal relationships; giving me tools that helped me to get in touch with my authentic self. 

I’d highly recommend speaking with Rach. She coaches in a gentle and supportive way and is very down to earth."

Jen H, UK

"Rach is wonderful and committed to supporting self-healers. Her support during my healing journey has been very helpful to me. She is very familiar with the mind-body tools and has great experience of how to use them in practice. Rach suggests different ways to use the mind-body tools to suit specific situations and has great and fun ideas. She is compassionate and warm. She is authentic, full of passion and her own story is very inspiring. She uses her experience but is entirely focused on you. I am very grateful for her help and I know I can reach out for her support whenever I need it or when I feel stuck."

Kasia, Poland

"When I first came across Rach's Instagram page, I was almost at the point of desperation... I knew I could heal and WOULD heal, I just didn't know how or when...
I felt pure HOPE when I found Rach, she was openly healing from things I was looking to heal from too, which was a pivotal point for me as these illnesses were described as "incurable"
She was so open and honest about her journey, super willing to try new things and express if they weren't for her!
She was giving off the energy that I had been seeking and holding out hope for; positivity, open mindedness and honesty! As soon as I found her profile I felt I had hit the jackpot in terms of kicking off my own healing! I will forever feel gratitude to such a kind and genuine soul! My life too has changed forever, for the better!"

Isobel, UK

"Rach is awesome! To work with her is to be with someone who is profoundly joy ful and playful. Each session I have with her is unique. What I love about the sessions is that Rach has a way of explaining things so simply and understandably. I feel very comfortable with her and I feel calm with her during the sessions. After each session I was able to adjust how I use the Mindbody tools, which felt better and made a difference to my progress. I fully recommend Rach!" 

Merita, Sweden

"I booked a chat with Rach when I was at my lowest point of my dis-ease. I had tried everything recommended to me by western medicine and functional medicine doctors and nothing helped me feel better. Rach gave me a few pointers during an initial 30 minute informational call and from the moment I started to follow her advice I experienced a positive change! I soon realized I wasn’t sick and that my negative thinking patterns were contributing to my symptoms.  I needed to rewire my nervous system to bring about real change.

I’m so grateful to Rach for her patience, kindness and generosity.  She has literally changed my life for the better and I haven’t even mastered these tools yet.  In fact, she has supported me to access to a part of my life I thought I had lost.

If you are in a period of hopelessness, I encourage you to speak to Rach – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

Paula, USA
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